El trabajo de diseño en el Proyecto de Tren Ligero del Corredor Suroeste se detuvo en 2020 después de que los votantes rechazaran una medida de financiamiento local para múltiples mejoras de transporte. A principios de 2022, Metro, TriMet y la Administración Federal de Tránsito completaron la Declaración Final de Impacto Ambiental (FEIS), y emitieron un Registro de Decisión (ROD) para garantizar que el proyecto sea elegible para futuros fondos federales. Consulte el sitio web del proyecto de Metro para acceder a estos documentos.

Overall Project Improvements:
Urban Design Elements

Design elements

Design elements

A great transit system is composed of a number of elements, each of which are distinct and have their own function, and yet need to work together. The project will include both consistent system-wide design elements and unique elements to express local context. Design of these features will take place in the coming years. This page provides some precedent examples that explore how these elements could be expressed.



Design elements


Stormwater Features

The project will include major improvements to help treat the nearly 70 acres of existing impervious surface – all currently unmanaged in the corridor. The project will use a variety of stormwater solutions to mitigate runoff and integrate into existing spaces based on land conditions and context. The stormwater toolkit illustrates the variety of solutions that the project could use.



Stormwater toolkit

Stormwater toolkit



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Socios del proyecto

TriMet Metro ODOT Condado de Washington Ciudad de Durham Ciudad de Portland Ciudad de Tigard Ciudad de Tualatin