El trabajo de diseño en el Proyecto de Tren Ligero del Corredor Suroeste se detuvo en 2020 después de que los votantes rechazaran una medida de financiamiento local para múltiples mejoras de transporte. A principios de 2022, Metro, TriMet y la Administración Federal de Tránsito completaron la Declaración Final de Impacto Ambiental (FEIS), y emitieron un Registro de Decisión (ROD) para garantizar que el proyecto sea elegible para futuros fondos federales. Consulte el sitio web del proyecto de Metro para acceder a estos documentos.

Overall Project Improvements:
Neighborhood Driving Circulation

Changes to local circulation and property access are being designed to reduce impact to neighborhoods. The Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) is performing an in-depth study to identify access and cut through issues, as well as potential mitigations. This information will be shared with the public when complete. The diagrams below illustrate all potential turning movements with the new proposed streetscape.


Neighborhood Access Diagrams

Downtown Portland and Gibbs Station areas map

Downtown Portland and Gibbs Station areas

PrHamilton Station area map

Hamilton Station area

Custer Station, 19th Station and 30th Station areas map

Custer Station, 19th Station and 30th Station areas

Barbur Transit Center and 53rd Station areas map

Barbur Transit Center and 53rd Station areas

68th Station and Elmhurst Station area map

68th Station and Elmhurst Station area

Elmhurst Station and Hall Station areas map

Elmhurst Station and Hall Station areas

Bonita Station, Upper Boones Ferry Station and Bridgeport Transit Center areas map

Bonita Station, Upper Boones Ferry Station and Bridgeport Transit Center areas



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Socios del proyecto

TriMet Metro ODOT Condado de Washington Ciudad de Durham Ciudad de Portland Ciudad de Tigard Ciudad de Tualatin