El trabajo de diseño en el Proyecto de Tren Ligero del Corredor Suroeste se detuvo en 2020 después de que los votantes rechazaran una medida de financiamiento local para múltiples mejoras de transporte. A principios de 2022, Metro, TriMet y la Administración Federal de Tránsito completaron la Declaración Final de Impacto Ambiental (FEIS), y emitieron un Registro de Decisión (ROD) para garantizar que el proyecto sea elegible para futuros fondos federales. Consulte el sitio web del proyecto de Metro para acceder a estos documentos.

Tigard & Tualatin:
Bridgeport Transit Center

The Bridgeport Transit Center will be more than just a light rail station. It will be an iconic mobility node and visible gateway to those traveling across the region. With a major Park & Ride, bus transfer center, direct access to I-5 and walkable connections to Bridgeport Village, the station will serve a wide range of communities in the southern metro area. Numerous potential development sites are adjacent to the Bridgeport Village commercial center. The area is set to become a new central hub of activity.

68th Parkway to Bridgeport Transit Center map

68th Parkway Station to Bridgeport Transit Center



Conceptual rendering

subject to change.

Bridgeport Station rendering

Station overview

Bridgeport Transit Center overview

Station features

Bridgeport Transit Center features

Station cross section

Bridgeport Transit Center cross section


Mobility and Connectivity

Mobility & Connectivity

  • Park & Ride provides parking for people riding light rail and bus
  • Safer pedestrian access across SW 72nd Ave and Lower Boones Ferry Rd
  • Planned connections to TriMet bus lines 36, 76, 96, 97 and SMART bus line


  • Access to City of Durham, Bryant neighborhood and Bridgeport Village shopping center
  • Access to Durham City Park, Heron Grove City Park and Tualatin Greenway
Medio ambiente

Medio ambiente

  • Enhanced tree canopy and stormwater treatment at station



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Socios del proyecto

TriMet Metro ODOT Condado de Washington Ciudad de Durham Ciudad de Portland Ciudad de Tigard Ciudad de Tualatin