63-Washington Park/ SW 6th
63-Washington Park/SW 6th conecta International Rose Test Garden/Japanese Garden en Washington Park con Pioneer Square en el centro de Portland y Providence Park a través de un circuito a lo largo de Rose Garden Way, Kingston, Tichner, Park, Salmon, 6th Ave, Washington, Morrison, y 18th Ave.
Para llegar al Zoológico de Oregon (Oregon Zoo) y otros destinos de Washington Park, transborde al servicio de transporte gratuito (Shuttle) de Washington Park
Mapa de ruta de la línea 63
Horarios de la línea 63
Lunes a viernes
Alertas de servicio vigentes:
No service to the westbound stop at SW Washington & 9th (Stop ID 6169) due to construction. Use the temp stop at SW Washington & Park.
One of the eastbound elevators at Washington Park is out of service. Please use other elevator or either of the elevators by the World Forestry Center. More